Building a World-Class Tech Hub in America's Heartland
We fuel economic opportunity in our region through innovation.
Tulsa Innovation Labs connects resources, ideas and people.
We bring unique partners together to identify opportunities and design solutions in our community, like programs that train the next generation of our workforce, attract and develop new businesses and support industry needs as they transition to an innovation-driven future.
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Tulsa's Tech Niche
Founded in 2020 by the George Kaiser Family Foundation to secure Tulsa’s leadership in industries of the future, our strategy is based on Tulsa’s unique assets, strengths and history of innovative leadership.
About Tulsa
In recent years, Tulsa has seen significant growth and earned national recognition. As innovation and tech talent shift from the coasts to the Heartland, the Tulsa region is well-positioned to be a technology hub.
For more information on Tulsa, visit Tulsa for You and Me